
sobota, 17 marca 2018

AMIcast - Episode 26 - Steve Jones - from Amiga to AROS

After a long break, I'm back. :) This time with a really long story, please welcome my guest - Steve Jones - from Amiga 1500 to AROS!

Steve is an Amiga guy for the very long time. And he is active one!
He is always around hardware or software for Amiga, and now he is a huge fan of AROS.
As we know AROS flavor of Amiga is not so popular, so it is a great opportunity to get know AROS world!
We talked about topics:
  • A1500 (old and new!),
  • Siamese System,
  • Gateway,
  • All Amiga Developers are Angels ;),
  • Vampire,
  • AROS.

A must have is Steve's YouTube channel!

In the end, the great song by Moby, from the album: Amiga Days (Remasters) - Volume 3 - Overgrowth.


4 komentarze:

  1. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

  2. It's always a pleasure to listen people with such a passion towards future development od Amiga systems. Steve is willing to sacrifice his time and money for something which he believes in - grat attitude. Thanks for another episode Radzik. Hope You settle down in your new home and now we can expect some new podcast episodes ;)

  3. Thank you for such an interesting post, very useful information for me, I am sure that it will be useful to me
