
piątek, 27 stycznia 2017

AMIcast - Episode 20 - Trevor Dickinson

Today's show is all about future of AmigaOS. My guest is Trevor Dickinson! This is hot stuff direct from great Amiga Party in Ireland.
The episode has two parts: first is the interview with Trevor, second is recorded audio from Trevor's speech at Amiga Ireland MeetUp 2017. Audio quality is not so perfect, but it's worth to listen. From this episode, you will learn about near future of AmigaOne and AmigaOS. There are tough questions and we are talking about: AmigaOne X5000 and upcoming Tabor (already running AmigaOS and software). Of course, there is a topic like web browsers (Odyssey and Timberwolf), office stuff (LibreOffice), Hollywood book, AMIStore and Alice (laptop) project. In second part Trevor talks about his Amiga story and answering questions from the audience, about: new developers, new hardware, software (for AmigaNG and Classic) and a situation with Amiga Inc (and Commodore).

2 komentarze:

  1. Prosimy o transkrypcje, zapis wywiadu w języku angielskim i polskim oraz wystąpienia Trevor Dickinson'a.
    Radzik na pewno udzieli zgody i każdy fan amigi w polsce otrzyma garść świeżych informacji od źrodła.

    1. Nie ma problemu, jak ktoś ochotę może zrobić tekst i tłumaczenie.
