
piątek, 15 stycznia 2016

AMIcast - Episode 9 - Museum of the history of computers and computing and polish community of Amiga

Welcome to 9th episode of AMIcast. This time my guest is Tomasz Marcinkowski. He is involved in polish community: one of the guys behind biggest polish Amiga website: and Museum of the history of computers and computing.
We talk about his fascination with Amiga computers, work for portal and work for Museum of the history of computers and computing.
We also comment to the source code of AmigaOS 3.1, source code of Odyssey on the Aminet.  We talk about colaboration bettwen diffrent camps - to bring new software for any Amiga flavor. We mention the new hardware - Vampire II and Tabor. But again please remember without colaboration in software our new hardware will be nothing.

You can support Museum here:

And and the end we have small invitation for 2016, to the great retro computer party in Poland. Concert from Pixel Heaven - Jon & Barn's European Tour is here:

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