
wtorek, 22 grudnia 2015

AMIcast - Episode 8 - Sonnet PowerPC turbo by Dennis Boon

Today my guest is Dennis Boon, the man behind Sonnet 7200 PowerPC board for Amiga 3/4000.
Project is very interesting and give chance to have very fast PowerPC for classic Amiga. From this episode you can learn about project, inspiration of author and future of this card for PCI equipment Amiga.
Also we talk about PCI slots, Mediator product, Sonnet for A1200 and Amiga 30 years in Germany.
The episode has a background music from VjDominion and at the end great song from Moby, from his new album: Double Kick Heroes (Ludum Dare #34) - Planet Error . Enjoy and Merry Christmas.


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